There is a list of 37 Namecoin Identities out of the grand total of 7705 with picture links/references available. They are like the other art assets on the Namecoin blockchain such as Twitter Eggs, Blockheads, Identicons, Manga Avatars, etc. Before this discovery, Namecoin Identities were thought of as purely utility NFTs, but this shows that there is a little art angle involved here also.
1&2. id/mikeward and id/mightbemike from 2014 -
3&4. id/yager and id/wyager from 2014
5. id/cel from 2014
6. id/arrdem from 2014
7. id/sco from 2014
8&9. id/rnhmjoj and id/josuecau from 2014
10. id/dominiqueboitel from 2014
11. id/ronan from 2014
12. id/bortzmeyer from 2014
13. id/andreaswauters from 2014
14. id/geogeo from 2014
15. id/thosmos from 2014
16. id/paulw from 2014
17. id/aran from 2015
18. id/oga from 2015
19. id/kennyrowe from 2015
20&21&22&23. id/dcw, id/sl1p, id/daveio, id/syn from 2015
24. id/mark-wieczorek from 2015
25. id/vulonkaaz from 2015
26&27. id/laine and id/laineherron from 2015
28. id/cedric from 2016
29. id/schmarty from 2016
30. id/atxsurface from 2016
31&32. id/yefet and id/xenderle from 2017
33. id/praetorian from 2017
34. id/fllthdcrb from 2017
35&36&37. id/yago, id/santiago from 2014, id/kresp0 from 2015 have broken image links which don't resolve anymore